Hayley Robbins is in her fourth year of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. She dreams of working in the city on high-rise or residential architecture, with a passion for sustainable and affordable design. Architecture, to her, is not just about designing beautiful, captivating structures. It's about creating safe, equitable spaces that inspire hope and a sense of identity in the people we design for, all people, while protecting the environment we live in.  
Ever since she can remember, she's always had an interest in design and buildings. Legos were the best gift at Christmas (and still are). Even in middle school, she would spend hours and hours building homes, libraries, and parks in the Sims game, rather than play the actual game. In high school, she was given the opportunity to take a Civil Engineering and Architecture class through Project Lead the Way. That class further solidified her love for buildings and architecture after the final assignment: renovating an abandoned warehouse into a public library and community space. 
While not in the studio, Hayley loves being active in IIT's chapter of AIAS, the CAMRAS Scholar Program, and theatre. She is an executive delegate, helping manage the CAMRAS Scholar Program's communications and branding. She is also President of IIT's 33rd Street Productions and has a secret dream of starring in a Broadway production. She's been extremely fortunate to have seen many shows on Broadway in Chicago. You'll often find her singing show tunes, arias, and her favorite songs. She also loves learning about ancient civilizations and their architecture and hopes to travel around the world to see the greatest works.
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